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Manufactured by Samsung SDI (former Samsung Cheil Industries Inc.) in South Korea, STARON® Solid Surfaces is a range of styrene-free, acrylic-based solid sheets and moulded parts with mineral fillers.

The solid, homogeneous, non-porous sheet and moulded part material is composed of one-third acrylic resin (PMMA) and two-thirds aluminium hydroxide (ATH), a natural mineral derived from bauxite.


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STARON® projects and designs are the result of high-quality industrial production and creative planning cooperating with quality craftmanship. STARON® is used in designing hotels, restaurants, business furnishings and public buildings such as museums, administrative buildings, airports and hospitals, among other applications. These include laboratory facilites, wellness centres, ship and mobile home interior finishing as well as private kitchens and baths. When using STARON® for interior design, furniture construction, and even wall and facade cladding in both inside and outside areas, archictects and planners are set free to create almost unlimited designs.



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